Hello, Since everybody is doing the "Best of" posts I wanted to make one a little different so I decided to post the "Worst" version. This should be fun, so let´s get started.
Anne Hathaway in Prada.- I could only think when I saw her: Why Anne, why??? The big mystery is why she changed last minute her Valentino, and I guess we can only thing, it really was worst than the Prada?? I really like her and her job but omg he should change her stylist ASAP.
Salma Hayek in Alexander McQueen.- She is petite and the big bun should have maker her look taller but it looked heavy and make her head look bigger than her body, the dress neck wasn´t helping also. My final concern was the fabric, I heard it will be trend for this years fall, but come on people we are almost in spring season, keep that in your closet until next winter my dear!
Jennifer Aniston in Valentino.- It´s just me or does she always look the same in every single photo, no matter what is she doing?? The same hair, the same kind of dress, I am so sorry but I can only think: BORING.
Robin Roberts in
Marc Bouwer.-First of all I got to say how much respect do I have for this woman for being a survivor, her job in the red carpet was GREAT and actually I LOVE her dress color but again I don´t believe the fabric was season appropiated.
Kristen Stewart en
Naeem Khan- OMG She should really have stayed at home. First of all she was injured in some way, and her look definitely wasn´t the right one. Her hair looked messy, her dressed didn´t fit correctly, a HUGE mess.
Nancy O´Dell.- It was a nice color but the only thing I can think when I saw her is BEAUTY PEAGENT.
Brandi Glanville.- I only can say this dress(or maybe the fit I should say) wasn´t appropiated for the event.
So, what do you think which one was your WORST???